Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hal's Guide to Life Hint # 1

I started this blog a while back, and I haven't really done much with it. So I decided that from now on, I am going to keep it updated a bit more regularly. From time to time, I come up with ideas that are ingenious for their simplicity.  Here is my first of Hal In Philly's guide to Life:

HINT # 1
As most people can tell you, one of the best items on the market for dusting around the house is a Swifter Duster.  I'm sure most of you have used one,  and if you have, you know that each box of dusters comes with a plastic handle. What you may not know is that you should always keep an extra handle around, because they make the BEST back scratchers.  They're long enough to reach those hard to scratch areas and there are no sharp edges so they won't break the skin. Over time, you can have a few of them in different rooms of your house or apartment; you never know when you're going to get that itch. Next time you run out of Swiffers, save the handle for your backscratching needs. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I'm sitting outside laughing out loud, and it's not the wine!
